Digitaltryck och växtfärgade textilier, 72x122 cm serie om två. Original Photo from Unsplash by Malachi Brooks and Felix Bacher Can we see the fire through the smoke? Do we see the trees forest the ocean I see drama I see through a romantic filter of mist but do I see through? I have to close my eyes the smoke hurts my eyes Or Is it because I don't dare to look anymore? Dimridå is a swedish word with a double entendre. To “put up a dimridå” in Swedish means to cover something that you don't want someone else to see, but you can also put out a dimridå for yourself, to cover something, and make it look more appealing. The inspiration for Dimridå is the romanticism era, and especially the way the romanticist painters would paint dramatical, beautiful landscape paintings, where you can sense an underlying subtext of a more serious kind. This inspired me to work with images that at the first glance looks like a beautiful sunset, but actually are showing the tragic consequences of the human impact on nature. Mitt projekt tar inspiration från romantikens generella tematik, liv, död och förgänglighet. Jag vill också koppla en känsla av att det ligger något fördolt under en vacker yta- något som jag tycker stämmer väl in i romantikens tematik, och mina tidigare konstnärliga projekt |